Ramadhan Goodies by Art-Venture Kids

Alhamdulillah.. dipanjangkan umur & bertemu Ramadhan sekali lagi..

Terpanggil nak ajak kanak2 ni buat Ramadhan goodies berupa buah kurma, memandangkan saya pun menerima tempahan untuk Ramadhan & Aidilfitri hampers.

Seronok dengar mereka bercerita tentang puasa versi kanak2..  yang kelakarnya, mereka lebih teruja nak masukkan kurma dalam plastik compare to mewarna packaging kurma masing2…

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa!!




Thank you so much to the Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad esp Pn. Aida and Su Yean, for your trust in Art-Venture Kids Studio.

We had prepared the DIY frame kits with lots of embellishments and bling2, for their party event with Dyslexia Association Malaysia back in May 2012. We were told that the kids loved the activities and the results were awsome!!!

So readers, if you wish to have us prepare special kits or materials for your events, workshops, parties, family days or as simple as small playgroup,  just drop us an email. We’ll work out some ideas for you;-)

Here are some of the photos from the events, courtesy of Pn. Aida from Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Bhd. TQVM:-)


Okay… memang tajuknya nampak macam salah je…. We’ve done this project for father’s day actually – it’s a father’s day trophy. Biasalah, saya lambat nak update.. hehehe.

Anyway, since kat sekolah sekarang busy with hari sukan, plus Olympic pun nak start, perhaps you could use this idea for those themes instead;-)

Cuma perlukan 2 biji cawan plastic, kertas or asbestos, foam board, acrylic, cardboard. Lekatkan  2 bahagian bawah cawan, membentuk trophy dan cat mengikut warna kegemaran. Lukis tangkai trophy di atas cardboard, potong dan warnakan. Buat lubang di kiri kanan trophy dan selitkan tangkai trophy – gam untuk lebih kukuh. Lekatkan bahagian bawah trophy ke atas foam board berbentuk segiempat sama. Lepas tu boleh lah hiaskan menggunakan pelbagai cara – nak tampal bling2 ke, lukis etc.

Have fun!!!

